▌讀 | EN ▌故事 | 兒童讀物 | 許願魚 | The Wish Fish | Usborne | Usborne First Reading | Level 1


First published in 2007 by Usborne Publishing Ltd.
Retold by Lesley Sims
Illustrated by Mike Gordon

影片 | YouTube

This story is about Bob, Bet, the sea,
big fish, small fish and a magic fish.

Bob and Bet live by the sea.

They like fish.

Bob fishes all day.

photo source

He catches big fish…
and small fish.

One day, he catches…

… a magic fish!
The fish gives Bob and
Bet three wishes.

“I wish to be rich,”
says Bob.

“I wish to be richer,”
says Bet.

photo source

“I wish to be richer still!”
she says.

“Too greedy!”
says the fish.

photo source

文法、詞彙 | Grammar, Vocabulary

greedy | 貪吃的;貪財的;貪婪的
– He’s greedy for power / success.
– 他貪戀權力 / 極度渴望成功。

後感 | Review

這本很簡單,這本的圖畫用色鮮明活潑,可以讓小孩子認識大小之分,還有 rich, richer 等排比。

故事源自《格林童話》中〈漁夫和他的妻子〉(德語:Vom Fischer und seiner Frau) [(及後被俄國詩人普希金改篇成童話詩〈漁夫和金魚的故事〉(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)]。兩者情節基本一樣,都是講述人性的貪婪、善良與仁慈。
